• Fortray’s IT courses and certifications support career switchers with comprehensive training and job placement guarantees.
  • Many professionals are switching to IT for better pay, growth opportunities, and job satisfaction.
  • Happiness and flexibility are key motivators for career changes, with IT offering numerous advantages.
  • Practical experience, networking, and choosing the right IT specialization are crucial for successfully transitioning into IT.

IT? That's a fantastic field!

So, what's your next move in education? Consider IT—it's not just promising, it’s creative, it’s innovative, above all it has a lot of potential!

Thinking about a career change? Jump into IT, where you can choose your own hours and bring some peace and excitement into your life!

IT, IT, IT…. Everywhere is IT, and why shouldn’t it be? It has transformed every field at 360 degrees. Every field, sector and industry that has been touched by Information Technology has been reaping more fruits. It has made work easier, faster and simpler.

Why Switch Career to IT?

We all understand today’s job market is thriving and booming as compared to the last 50 years, and this influences all the processes regarding employment. It is now a decade since the Great Recession, and as far as jobs are concerned, the saying couldn’t be truer – the world is a place full of opportunities. As much as this is good news to those looking to climb the ladder within their careers, the question is what has it reserved for those who intend to switch careers completely? And how do they feel after making the switch?

Fortray gathered data online from a sample of 700 UK employees from several industries to get the answers. Among all the respondents, 49% have switched their fields of work and migrated from one field to IT. Among those, 51% haven’t considered it, and a whopping 65% say they either are considering or have considered the IT career switch at some point. Keep on reading to discover what makes people decide to take such a big step, who is active in this sphere and how they feel about it.

While the primary consideration for seeking another occupation could be the desire for higher pay and employee benefits, there can be many reasons why people may wish to change careers. Gone are the days when people worked in the same career for their entire lives. The employees of this era are more informed about the jobs available in the market—and if they are unhappy with their line of work, they do not hesitate to switch.

But what makes career chasers switch their careers in the first place? Nowadays, employees know they have the right to ask for better treatment, perks, and benefits and cannot be secluded from working under poor conditions. The most evident one is remuneration. Shockingly, 79% of career changers indicated they left their previous positions because they wanted high bucks. The figure goes up to 88% for employees intending to change careers for several other reasons. They were more focused on growth and development. Of these, more than three-quarters of working professionals stated that they desire to learn more and to advance professionally. 78% of all career changers reported that they resigned, in some measure, due to lack of motivation or job satisfaction; 77% because there were better prospects for upward mobility in another line.

Why Do workers Change Careers ?

Career changer share the 5 reasons they changed profession

Were unhappy in previous job/sector

Wanted greater flexibility

Wanted to earn more money

Did not feel challenged or satisfied

Want more opportunity for advancement

Individuals Seek For Happiness!

Happiness is another driving factor. Many people who make the career switch claim they were unhappy with their previous job or field. Happiness at work is a state that people may strive for, but it can be quite hard to define. Yet, whenever it is achieved, it is quite identifiable. Employees weigh multiple factors when considering whether to stay put. It is evident that organizational culture, recognition, and training and promotion options are some ways to make employees happy at the workplace. And IT gives it all!

According to the poll of the workers who do not desire the change and remain in their position, the major factor is not the competitive wages, friendly-staff or colorful office; it is the management teams. Flexibility and pay-off are other important factors career changers cite, as well as the need to be happy. It is noteworthy that today’s professionals not only would prefer but even may expect to have several choices concerning the time and place of their work. Thus, among such vacancies, 79% of the respondents are interested in more flexibility at work, including remote work or shifts.

When deciding to switch careers, many employees say carpe diem!

So much time, effort, and planning goes into changing a career; does it seem worth it in the long run? The answer is yes, indeed. Three out of four career changers report higher levels of happiness. Thinking about switching to a career in IT? Fortray's got you covered with a wide range of courses and certifications to help you make the leap. Plus, our Guaranteed Job Placement Program means we’ll help you find that dream job once you’re done. And it works—ask the many successful grads and read through their success stories. Ready to start your IT journey? Join Fortray today and secure your future!


Absolutely! Many individuals successfully transition into IT from diverse backgrounds. While prior experience in IT is advantageous, it's not always necessary. Focus on highlighting transferable skills from your previous roles and be prepared to invest time in learning new technologies and concepts. Consider exploring courses offered by Fortray Global, which provide comprehensive training and support for career changers. Additionally, Fortray Global offers resources and job placement assistance to help individuals navigate their transition into the IT field.

The IT industry offers a wide range of specializations, including cybersecurity, software development, network engineering, data analytics, and more. Consider your interests, strengths, and career goals when choosing a specialization. Research each field to understand its demands, growth prospects, and alignment with your skillset. Fortray Global offers courses covering various IT specializations, including job guarantee programs, to provide learners with confidence and support in their career transition journey. Fortray Global's job placement assistance ensures that learners have access to opportunities aligned with their chosen specialization.

Formal education and certifications can certainly enhance your credentials and increase your marketability. However, they're not always mandatory. Many employers value practical skills and experience just as much as academic qualifications.

Practical experience is invaluable in the IT industry. Look for opportunities to gain hands-on experience through internships, freelance projects, volunteer work, or personal projects. Additionally, consider participating in hackathons, coding competitions, or open-source projects to showcase your skills and build a portfolio.

Networking is essential for career growth in the IT industry. Building relationships with professionals, attending industry events, joining online communities, and engaging with peers can open doors to job opportunities, mentorship, and valuable insights. Cultivate a strong professional network to stay connected and informed about industry trends and opportunities.